Student volunteers at a Candidate Forum. They are coached by the Hayfield Social Studies’ Chair, Doug Zywiol.

Credit: Photo by Beth Tudan

Can You Register to Vote in Virginia?

  • Are you a US citizen?                  

  • Are you a resident of Virginia?

  • Will you be 18 years old by the next general election on November 5, 2024? If you are 17 now, but you will be 18 on or before the next general election, you can register to vote.

  • Have you been convicted of a felony? If so, have your voting rights been restored?

  • Have you been declared mentally incapacitated in a Circuit Court? (Rare). If so, have your rights been restored?

If you answer yes, then you can apply to register to vote today!                 

Can You Register to vote online?

You can register online if you have a Virginia driver's license, learners' permit or Virginia ID from the DMV.  

How Else Can You register to vote?

On paper! You need to download the application, fill it out, and mail it in.

Virginia Voter Registration Application (En Español) (Tiếng Việt) (한 국어)

Fairfax County residents, mail your application to:

Fairfax County Office of Elections
P.O. Box 10161
Fairfax, VA 22038-8061

City of Fairfax residents, mail your application to:

General Registrar
10455 Armstrong St., Suite 300
Fairfax, Virginia 22030

what do you need to register?

Your Social Security Number

Your DMV-issued ID number (if registering online)

Credit: your vote matters, Deeno Golding, AIGA Cincinnati, @AIGADesign #AIGAVote and #GetOutTheVote

Credit: your vote matters, Deeno Golding, AIGA Cincinnati, @AIGADesign #AIGAVote and #GetOutTheVote

High School Students holding a voter registration drive!Credit: Photo by Beth Tudan

High School Students holding a voter registration drive!

Credit: Photo by Beth Tudan

Watch videos about our Work with High School Students

The League of Women Voters Fairfax helped students register to vote at Mount Vernon HS.

Co-Sponsors of FCPS Voter Registration