Our name honors our founders, the Suffragists, but we welcome ALL people, including men, as members. 

Why Join?

Through League membership, you can:

  • Contribute valuable service to the community.

  • Gain knowledge and experience through study and discussion of timely and important topics.

  • Discover new interests, develop new skills, and learn about crucial issues in your community.

  • Make professional contacts and develop lasting friendships as you meet other Leaguers.

 What Does the League of Women Voters of The Fairfax Area (LWVFA) Do?

We do not support or oppose any political candidate, and we do not support or oppose any political party.

We study key issues at all levels of government in an unbiased manner. Program committees meet to explore a topic, and standing committees continually follow issues.

We have monthly programs from September to June. Neighborhood units meet throughout the Fairfax area.

To support voters, we:

1. Conduct voter registration drives.
2. Hold candidate forums.
3. Produce the following publications:

  • What's on the Ballot? A flyer listing all the candidates, bond issues, and constitutional amendments on the November ballot is distributed to the public in the fall.

  • Vote 411: Questions posed by the League are answered by candidates and published in a national database prior to a November election.

  • Facts for Voters: A booklet listing our national, state, and local officials and important public offices, which is published each January and distributed through libraries and other public venues.

We act on League positions taken at the local, state, or national level. Using these positions, we:

  • Testify before our elected officials.

  • Contact public officials regarding pending legislation or public policy decisions.

  • Send action alerts to our members requesting that they take action as individuals, based on a League position.

Who Can Join?

Anyone, of any gender, age 16 or older, may become a member of the League of Women Voters.

How Much Time Does It Take?

It's up to you! You may choose to volunteer a little or a lot. You may decide to become actively involved in a variety of League activities or you may choose to support the League with your annual dues only.

What Does LWVFA Membership Include?

You automatically become a member of the League of Women Voters of the National Capital Area (LWVNCA), LWV Virginia, and LWV of the United States. You will receive their publications along with the LWVFA newsletter, Fairfax VOTER. You add your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC, the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.  

Membership Categories

Basic Membership

Individual Membership: $75.00

Household Membership: $100.00 (two members who share the same mailing address)

Limited Income: $10.00 (suggested donation)

Student Membership: Free! 

Membership Plus

Suffragist: $100.00

Advocate Household: $150.00 (two members who share the same mailing address)

Champion: $300.00

Founders’ Circle: $500.00

Membership Plus levels include basic membership PLUS a donation to the LWVFA General Fund. This money will support members of limited income, help invest in LWVFA web site technology, and support other priority projects. General Fund donations are not tax deductible.

Questions? Contact Membership Director, Donna Blake, at membership@lwv-fairfax.org

Technical Questions? Contact Operations Support Specialist, at Emebet.Taddese@lwv-fairfax.org