Joining the League of Women Voters is a great way to play an active role in your community and in our democracy! Everyone is welcome - membership is open to anyone 16 years or older. You become a member of the League of Women Voters of the United States, LWV Virginia, and LWV of the Fairfax Area. You will receive national and Virginia publications along with the LWVFA newsletters, Fairfax VOTER and ENews. Add your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC, the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.
membership Dues
$75 per year is the recommended amount for individual members or pay what you can ($20 minimum). You can add a second member ($150 total for both recommended, $40 for both minimum), but each person will need to provide a unique email address. In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.
You will receive an online confirmation and an email receipt for your payment. ONLY the local League portion of the membership dues will be tax deductible. The email receipt will show the 20 percent of your dues going to our local League and can serve as your tax receipt. Your membership dues payment will show up as three transactions on your account — one each to LWVFA, LWV-Virginia, and LWVUS. You’ll be a member of all three!
Keep things simple by automatically renewing each year! Just select auto renewal when you pay your dues.
Join or Renewal Online
To join the League, click the Join/Renew button to access the LWV Member Join/Renew Form. Joining online is preferred.
Join or Renewal by Mail/Check
While online payment is preferred, you can still use a check to pay your dues. Click the Join or Renew by Mail button for information.
Questions? Contact Membership at or call 703-658-9150