Credit: Photo by Beth Tudan
Q: What about students who are not US citizens?
A: Only US citizens can vote, so students who are not citizens cannot register. Green card holders / permanent residents cannot register.
Q: Do I need an ID to vote?
A: Virginia law requires all voters to provide an acceptable form of valid identification (ID) at the polls or sign an ID Confirmation Statement. The ID does not need to be a photo ID. Click here to view a list of acceptable forms of ID.
Q: Once I register, everything is set, right?
A: Look for a post card from the Office of Elections with your precinct and polling place location. If your registration was not accepted, you will receive a letter with a new application form. Check out your voter registration status online to verify that you are registered by going to
Q: Once I’m registered, can I vote anywhere I want?
A: No! On Election Day, you have to vote in your assigned polling place. This is based on where you are registered to vote. It is important to verify your polling place! Don’t show up at the wrong place and be disappointed. Go to
Credit: Your Vote - Your Voice, Jean-Benoit Levy, AIGA San Francisco, AIGA Francisco, @AIGADesign #GetOutTheVote
Q: Do I register by Political party?
A: We DO NOT register to vote by party in Virginia. Virginia is an Open Primary state. Any registered voter in Virginia can vote in either a Democratic or Republican primary election.
When both parties hold a primary election, voters will be asked in which primary they want to vote when they check in to vote. They can only vote in one.
Frequently Asked Questions about voting
Q: Can I register to vote online?
A: If you have a Virginia driver’s license, learner’s permit, or ID from the DMV, you can register online.
You can find your high school’s online link listed here:
Q: How can I Register to Vote If I Don’t have one of these documents from the DMV?
You can use a paper application. Download the application, fill it out, and mail it in.
Virginia Voter Registration Application (En Español) (Tiếng Việt) (한 국어)
Q: Can 17-year-olds register to vote in Virginia?
A: Yes! As long as they will be 18 by the next General Election in November, they can register AND vote. See the law here.
Q: Can 17 year olds vote in Virginia?
A: Seventeen-year-olds who are registered to vote can vote in primaries and special elections in Virginia as long as they will be 18 by the November General Election. Visit the law here.
Q: What if I will not be 18 by the General Election?
A: If you are 16 or 17, you can pre-register to vote. The process is the same as registering to vote, but the Department of Elections will hold your registration until you turn 18 and will notify you when you are eligible to vote in the next election.
Q: Can I vote Early (before Election Day)?
A: You can vote early either in person or absentee! Virginia voters do NOT need an excuse to vote early or absentee. Early voting in person starts 45 days prior to the November general election. Unlike election day voting, registered voters may vote at any of the locations posted by the Office of Elections. See for more.
Q: How do I use an Absentee ballot?
A: Fill it in, SEAL the envelope, SIGN the envelope, and complete the required information (birth year and last four digits of your Social Security Number). Put it in an official drop box or mail it. Mail it early, so that it is received by Election Day.
Q: What if I move?
A: Federal law requires the US Post Office to send a notice to the Office of Elections with any change of address. The Office of Elections will then send you a postcard verifying the change. Pay attention! This is a big reason that people end up having a problem with their registration.
Q: Do I have to re-register every time I vote?
A: No! But you can be registered in only one place. Verify where you are registered before you go to vote. Check your registration at the Virginia Citizens’ Portal:
Q: What about students whose parents are in the military and hold residency in other states. Should these students register to vote?
A: These students should talk with their parents to see where their parents would like them to register to vote, in Virginia or their “home of record.” These students can find information about registering in another state by going to
Q. Where can I find more information about voter registration in Virginia?
Q: What about college students? Do they vote at home or at college?
A: College Voters have three options. They can:
Remain registered at their home address and vote in their home area during Early Voting or assigned precinct on Election Day.
Request an absentee ballot and vote absentee.
Change their registration to their college address and vote in their college area.
Click here to view the Virginia Department of Elections’ information about college voters.
Voters with Special Needs
Absentee Voting and at the Virginia Citizens’ Portal: