Women’s Legislative Roundtable (WLRT)

Be Alert! Be Informed! Be Involved!

Women's Legislative Roundtables 2025

Join us for the 2025 Legislative Roundtables! All will be hybrid - the zoom link will be the same for each roundtable. The in person sessions will be held at the Virginia General Assembly 7th Floor Conference Room 201 North 9th Street, Richmond. 

All begin at 8:30AM and end at 9:30 AM. RSVP here


January 8th: Voting and Elections

  1. Campaign Finance Reform (Personal use of funds; Campaign Finance Disclosure)

  2. Ranked Choice Voting

  3. National Popular Vote

  4. Guardianship and Loss of Voting Rights

January 15th: Gun Violence/Domestic Violence

Gun Violence

  1. Assault Weapon Ban

  2. Secure Storage

  3. Ghost Guns & Gun Alterations

  4. Funding for JLARC Study on Gun Violence

    Domestic Violence

  1. Red Flag Laws 

January 22nd: League Day

Join us for League Day featuring the Constitutional Amendments supporting voting and reproductive rights! 9:00 - 11:00 AM Plated Breakfast and speakers. Omni Richmond Hotel, 100 South 12th Street $35 per person. Then we go off to visit our delegates at the General Assembly!  RSVP here

January 29th: Education/Physical Health


  1. 1% Sales Tax by referendum school ALL localities should have the opportunity.

  2. REVISING- THE Local Composite Index(reference JLARC study)

    Const.-Amend the State Const. from “Seek to ensure” to “Ensure”(the basic level(SOQ'S)

  3. Standards of Quality to include minimum facility and building standards.

  4. Direct Funding for the most decrepit school Buildings ( Request funds from the 1.2-billion-dollar surplus) 

    Physical Health

  5. Cover All Kids

  6. Increased income eligibility for CHIP -Not followed in 2024

  7. Continuous Medicaid Coverage for Children ages 0 – 6

  8. Emergency Medicaid Expansion for undocumented immigrants who may need emergency care. 

February 5th: Childcare

1. Fund subsidy rates at current levels and with current eligibility criteria

2. Fund direct support to providers (equity formula)

3. Offer refundable child tax credit

4. Expand Virginia Preschool Initiative

5. Public Education on the state of child care in Virginia

February 12th: Environment/Housing

  1. Virginia Housing Trust Fund – Increase base budget to $150 million or the amount recommended by the VHA.

  2. 5000 Families Pilot – support whatever amount VHA wants to request

  3. Virginia Eviction Reduction Program – support an amount proposed by the Virginia Poverty Law Center

February 19th:Virtual Wrap Up  virtual only 

RSVP here