2024 Members Only Meeting


Dear League Members,

We are writing to ask you to attend a special membership meeting to help move our organization into an important new phase.  As you know, we are actually two organizations:  The League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area (often referred to as the “General Fund”) and the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area Education Fund.  Each is separately incorporated in the state of Virginia and is its own legal entity.  The General Fund is designated a 501(c)4 organization under the tax code.  It is a non-profit, but is not a tax-exempt organization, which means your donations to this fund are not tax deductible.  The Education Fund is designated a 501(c)3 organization under the tax code, which makes it a tax-exempt organization.  Each operates with a separate, though identical, Board of Directors and membership.

Our activities and mission have significantly evolved since the establishment of each of our organizations, and we believe it is time to unify.  This process will create a single tax-exempt organization under the name League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area by transferring the assets of the General Fund to the Education Fund and ultimately renaming the Education Fund.  This will preserve our identity and branding, while substantially streamlining our operations and simplifying our interactions with our membership and the community.  

Many local leagues around the country have already taken this step, and we are working with legal counsel to ensure everything is done properly.  We expect to gain significant time efficiencies and cost savings from having a single organization.  

We ask that you attend a special meeting via Zoom on October 20 at 7:00 p.m. to consider and vote on this proposal.  Included in this email is a proposed agenda for this meeting as well as the resolution that we will put forward for your consideration. It is essential that we have a quorum to approve this change, and we hope you will attend this important meeting.  Please note, however, that you must be a member to attend.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us directly.

Katherine Ingmanson

Pat Fege


Agenda: Click here

By-Law Resolutions: Click here

Click here to register. Questions, ask them right on your registration form.